ITS Well Driller's Test kit - Standard
ITS Well Driller's Test kit - Standard
The ITS Well Driller's Master Test Kit is a great solution when fast, accurate, on-site results are required. The Well Driller's Test Kits allow you to achieve results before sending samples for laboratory testing; giving you critical time to take remediation steps, if necessary. Testing for 15 critical parameters, the Well Drillers Master Test Kit is ideal for supervisors and technicians who are responsible for coordinating on-site environmental testing. Well Driller's Master Kit Includes: 50 Free Chlorine Test Strips, 50 Ultra Low Total Chlorine Test Strips, 50 Hydrogen Sulfide Test Strips, 50 Total Hardness Test Strips, 50 Nitrate/Nitrite Test Strips, 50 pH Test Strips, 24 Manganese Tests, 50 Water Metals Test Strips, 10 Arsenic Test Strips, 50 Total Iron Test Strips, 50 Copper Test Strips, 2 Lead in Water Tests, 2 Pesticide Tests,1 bottle of Bacteria Test