
Why ITS test strips do not require SDS (MSDS) sheets

Occasionally customers will request a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for their files. Before 2012, they were called MSDS sheets. OSHA requires SDS sheets to be available for chemicals in the workplace that employees may be exposed to under normal conditions of use or in an emergency This section of the OSHA code (CFR 1910.1200, Hazard communication) has several exceptions for things like wood, or food, or cosmetics. There is another exception for something called an article (CFR1910.1200 (b)(6)(v), and paragraph (c)).

An article is defined as an item that is formed into a specific shape during manufacture that depends on that shape to function. It also releases trace amounts of a hazardous chemical (as defined in paragraphs (d) and (g) of the section) and does not pose a health risk to employees. Articles DO NOT require SDS sheets.

ITS test strips are extremely safe. We work arduously to avoid using harmful chemicals in our formulations. Our test strips are typically less that 1.0% as active ingredients and barely 0.1% of each active ingredient. Because the test strip does not dissolve a trivial amount of chemical is released. ITS test strips are defined as articles exempt from the SDS requirement.

SDS sheets for any additional tests should be listed in the back of the product manual. For confirmation, please call our sales office at (803) 329-9712, ext. 1.

More Information – From MSDS to SDS – GHS Brings Big Changes to Safety Data Sheets in HazCom.