
Water Quality Testing Blog

Hurricane Season Pool Preparation

Posted by Marketing Manager - Mike McBride on Jul 29th 2020

Our friends in Florida are expecting a visit from potential Tropical Storm Isaias. This storm could make landfall in southern Florida late Friday night or early Saturday morning and then move north along the state. Our friends at FSPA have great tips on getting your pool ready in the event of bad weather like a hurricane. … READ MORE

What is Cyanuric Acid and Why You Should Care Before You Jump in The Pool This Summer?

Posted by Marketing Intern - Jonathan "J.R." Gerstl on Jul 3rd 2018

Cyanuric Acid Products Nothing beats a beautiful summer’s evening. The vibrant shades of red and orange flood the vast blue skyline as the sun sets in the horizon. Sitting on the edge of the pool, drink in hand, the water ripples against your feet. You slowly cascade into the warm water and try to drift away from the stressors of the day. It seems as if nothing can ruin this mo … READ MORE