
Water Quality Testing Blog

The 5 Times in Life You Need To Test Your Water

Posted by Marketing Manager - Mike McBride on May 31st 2023

Life gets busy, and with so many things to think about, no one has time to stop and worry about the little details. Water safety never even crossed your mind. You trust your local water providers to work diligently and clean your water. But water can become contaminated several times after it leaves the water plant and before reaching your faucet. While testing your water won’t solve your contami … READ MORE

Springtime Pool Sorcery

Posted by Chad Howard, MD on May 25th 2018

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It’s that time of year when pool owners are faced with the task of getting their pool open and ready for use. This article will focus on some of the pertinent pool water parameters that need to be checked and maintained in order to get a healthy pool right from the start of the season. There is also a more detailed section on chlorine to promote a better und … READ MORE

New Range of Photometric Peracetic Acid Detection

Posted by sales on Dec 17th 2015

We released the upgraded eXact® Strip Micro Peracetic Acid test strip which can detect Peracetic Acid (PAA) at concentration up to 590 parts per million (ppm) when used with our 525nm eXact® Photometers. 1 With the addition of the new extended range Peracetic Acid test method, users will be able to quantify concentrations of PAA from 0 to 590 ppm. ITS has employed an enti … READ MORE

Water quality worries in Rio

Posted by marketing on Dec 3rd 2015

Water quality woes continue in Brazil The Associated Press is reporting Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic waterways are badly contaminated and the bad water quality poses a danger to athletes. Brazilian authorities have sent confusing messages about testing the viral pathogens already identified in the water. The large amount of viruses are equivalent to those found in raw sewage. Read the enti … READ MORE

Water Quality Testing Tips

Posted by sales on Oct 2nd 2015

Private water (ground water) sources aren’t regulated and approved for safe and clean drinking water the way public sources are tested . It doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be tested regularly and adequately. George Bailey, our VP of Sales and Marketing, spoke to the largest publication serving the well drilling industry – National Driller magazine. He explained the importance of water qualit … READ MORE

Smart Brew commercial on The Brewing Network

Posted by marketing on Jul 13th 2015

Test Smarter and Brew Better Beer using the Smart Brew™Kit for Water Testing! We’ve joined forces with the Brewing Network to run ads for our new Smart Brew™Water testing kits featuring the eXact iDip® Smart™ Photometer. The Brewing Network (The BN) is one of the premium craft/home brew educational outlets. They produce internet-based live radio shows about home brewin … READ MORE

Test Smarter and Brew Better with our New Smart Brew™ Kit!

Posted by marketing on Apr 14th 2015

In the world of craft brewing, water is the most essential ingredient to making a quality tasting beer. With that in mind we developed the new Smart Brew™ Water Testing Kits to properly begin the brewing process. The Smart Brew™ Kit incorporates a revolutionary photometer system that integrates 2–way wireless communication with a smart device.The multilingual app is the brain of the … READ MORE

Fast and easy home water testing with the eXact Micro 7+

Posted by marketing on Jul 19th 2013

Are you worried about the quality of your home water? The eXact® Micro 7+ handheld photometer is perfect for residential water testing. Packaging superior design and engineering with the latest patented technologies to deliver safe and exact water testing solutions that cost less. It uses our patented EZ-3™ Reagent Delivery Method for easy streamlined testing in a 4 mL plastic sample cell using … READ MORE